Women, the weaker sex! Or are we?

Women, the weaker sex! Or are we?

Women, the weaker sex! Or are we?

Women have nearly always been viewed as the weaker sex, so let’s investigate this!

Women go through so many changes in their lives and adapt on the whole very well, childbirth alone puts their bodies through enormous strain and turmoil, 9 months of expanding often feeling retched dealing with morning sickness, bloated, uncomfortable etc, not to mention the swollen ankles and not being able to get out of the bath on our own  to name just a few things.

However, even with all of the above we carry on with daily life, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the rest of the family, putting everyone and everything else first before our own needs and often whilst still holding down a job too, I would say that makes us very strong indeed!  We don’t give in to illness easily, (we don’t have time to) we soldier on because we have to look after everyone else, physically we are not as strong as men, so they say (debatable when you think of all we do) but mentally women are very strong, often putting everyone else before ourselves, selfless and caring.

Look back in history many strong women have changed the course of history, Maggie Thatcher, 1st women prime minister (whatever your politic preferences) a formidable lady and to quote Maggie herself “the lady is not for turning” stood her ground didn’t allow herself to be bullied and changed the way this country viewed modern women in power.

Anne Boleyn 2nd wife of Henry the 8th, in a time when women were deemed very much inferior to men, she was very instrumental in the reforming the Catholic Church and bringing about the birth of the Church of England, very strong-minded and not to be messed with!  And all this while suffering from multitude of miscarriages.

So, when you are feeling you’re not as good or as strong as our male counterparts remember these amazing ladies, and remember you already have everything you need to be What you want to be! You just have to believe and sometimes that is the hardest part, believing, there are many things that limit our beliefs and quite often start in our childhood and sometimes even before!

The problem is conditioning, years of being told that we are 2nd to men? (don’t get me wrong, I’m not a feminist, but I am a realist) so why can’t women be as good in business or career as men? After all we are used to having to multitask and to be all things to all people.

So next time you’re thinking I’m not good enough to do this job, run this business, remember you are amazing and more than capable of being everything you want to be.

If you believe it won’t happen your right! And open your mind to possibility.

Decide how you want to be in the world and be it!