Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire – Is it Right for You?

Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire – Is it Right for You?

Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire

If you’re considering the benefits or potential help offered by hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, Solihull and the surrounding area, I’d like to tell you a little about what hypnotherapy is, and help you to decide if it is for you.

It might be the perfect solution for you, or there may be a different way to approach your needs…

Are there any dangers with hypnotherapy?

To put your mind at ease, please be assured that hypnotherapy is simply a state of deep trance, and that you are in full control of your thoughts and actions. You will not do anything under hypnosis that you would not do anyway, so rest assure you are completely safe.

How can hypnotherapy help you?

The hypnotic state allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestion. It can really improve the success of other treatments for several conditions, such as phobias, fears, and anxiety; sleep disorders; depression; stress; post-trauma anxiety; grief and loss…

Hypnotherapy can be used to help with pain control, or overcoming habits like smoking or overeating, and phobias such as fear of flying or fear of spiders.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire

I would help bring you into a state of consciousness in which you’re focusing your attention inward.

You become less aware of what’s around you, and more open to suggestion…

Think of it like a deep meditation that you’re induced into. You experience hypnotic suggestion as though it were occurring in reality… In other words, if you’re told you’re seeing green, your brain responds as though you are seeing green, even if you’re looking at something grey. This teaches your mind and body to transition into certain states (such as relaxation or low anxiety), making it easier for you to replicate these states on your own later.

Hypnotherapy is an enjoyable and deeply relaxing therapy

Many people notice a difference after just one session…but it’s best to have several sessions to cement the effects.

Some people are harder to hypnotise than others, but you won’t know until you try it! If this turns out to be true in your case, you can still benefit, but it will likely take more sessions than someone who is more responsive.

To begin, we can talk about what it is that you would like to achieve from your hypnotherapy session(s). During hypnosis, I will be able to use the most suitable type of hypnosis for the situation.

Feel free to email me at hello@choices-4-life.com to arrange a time to talk, meet up, or set up a session with no pressure.