Frequently Asked Questions

A developmental interaction between two people, the coach and the client, (coaching is a collaboration) to assist the client to develop their capabilities, achieve their goals and objectives and produce successful results. Helping you to move from where you are now to where you want to be, faster and more efficiently than if you do it on your own.

Your Choices-4-Life coach facilitates change through verbal and non-verbal communication, (i.e. questions, metaphors, and reflections, using change techniques, tasks, motivation and guided focus, designed to evoke changes, challenges and stimulates, supports and encourages client self-expression). Working with both the conscious and unconscious mind for integration and wholeness, helping support the clients strength and accomplishments, confidence and capabilities.

“A Coach is a person who is your friend, someone who really cares about you. A coach is committed to helping you be the best you can be. A Coach will challenge you, not let you off the hook. Coaches have knowledge and experience because they’ve been there before. They aren’t any better than the people they are coaching. In fact, the people they coach may have natural abilities superior to their own. But because the coach has concentrated their power in a particular area for years, they can teach you one of two distinctions that can immediately transform your performance in a matter of moments. Sometimes coaches can teach you new information new strategies and skills; they show you how to get measurable results. Sometimes a coach doesn’t even teach you something new, but they remind you of what you need to do at just the right moment, and they push you to do it “
~ Tony Robbins – ‘Awaken the Giant Within’

We start with a discovery call, to see if we can work together, then we follow-up face to face in a friendly, relaxed, Discovery Session(s). This is where we get to know each other better, and learn about what our aims will be for the following sessions.

There are other mediums we can use, eg skype/zoom, with email, phone & text support.

Hypnotherapy is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions are used to help individuals deal with a variety of concerns & issues.

Great for goal setting or dealing with phobias.

It is not like stage hypnosis, it is a state of deep relaxation, if we use hypnotherapy for you, you WILL still be in full control and will not  do anything you would not normally do.

It can vary, depending on your needs… 3-6 is normal but will depend on you and what you want to achieve. Note that a full breakthrough is normally around 6 sessions.

Also Six or Twelve month maintenance follow-up sessions are available, along with ongoing email follow-ups and motivation. The Breakthrough Programme is geared to provide you with a fully-rounded route to real and lasting, life-changing breakthroughs!

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of language and sensory based interventions and behaviour modification techniques working with the conscious and unconscious mind, used to help the subconscious mind to change patterns in behaviour that are currently causing you concerns. 

I mainly work with adult women, (but not exclusively) of all ages.

I am currently working from Solihull, West midlands, just off J5 of the M42, with a relaxing, pleasant private space set aside for your sessions.