Bloody menopause! (the change of life)

Bloody menopause! (the change of life)


Well what can I say? This little blighter creeps up on you and kicks the legs from underneath you, steals your youth, your confidence, your clarity, and your focus.

I rushed headlong into the menopause early (oh the joy!) due to having a hysterectomy shortly before my 32nd birthday, so by the time I was in my mid-forties I was well and truly in it, and dare I say it I still experiencing some milder symptoms even now in my late 50’s!

But being in the change of life isn’t all bad, it does have some benefits, like no more time of the month, and not feeling the cold so much but for some this transition or change of life is just that, another chapter in our lives, however for a lot of women it brings uncertainty, fear and confusion. You still feel like a woman but your body is changing so much, you’re getting thicker round the waist, your joints ache, and as for sex, well for a lot of women the menopause brings fear of being sexually active; you no longer feel sexy or confident…

But it doesn’t have to be that way, I can help you to embrace the changes you are, or will be, going through, and give my tips for dealing with certain issues that this brings. Like hot flushes, feeling hormonal and tearful… Help you to understand the menopause and that you can still be sexy, confident and focused, and still have a fulfilling life.

Throughout the year I and some of my colleagues will be running workshops to help you embrace the change of life, and not let it stop you enjoying life to the full.

Lets breakthrough your fears and anxieties surrounding this subject.

All the best
Debbie x

I can help you break through the barriers that are stopping you have that life you deserve. Ask me about a breakthrough session…