Author: Debbie Turner

How to Grow Confidence in Yourself

How to Grow Confidence in Yourself

The Importance of Self-Confidence If you feel like you need to learn how to grow in self confidence, you no doubt already understand that it is an extremely helpful and useful aspect of your life to develop. It is associated with better health, a better social life, protection against mental disorders and social problems, healthy…
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The power of positive thinking!

The power of positive thinking!

I suppose we’re all guilty of negative thinking sometimes? Well actually a lot of the time, as human beings we tend to think more on the negative side than on the positive (e.g. “I bet it won’t happen for me!” “Oh I’m never that lucky.” “If I think the worst it can only get better.”…
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Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire

Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire – Is it Right for You?

If you’re considering the benefits or potential help offered by hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, Solihull and the surrounding area, I’d like to tell you a little about what hypnotherapy is, and help you to decide if it is for you. It might be the perfect solution for you, or there may be a different way to…
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Are you a victim of your parents?

Are you a victim of your own parents? Does it affect your relationship with your own children?

Have you heard the saying ‘kids are victims of their own parents’? Do you make decisions based on your own childhood and does this affect the decisions you make bringing up your own children? As a child I tried to do everything I could to live up to my parents’ and indeed grandparents’ expectations. I…
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Bloody menopause! (the change of life)

Well what can I say? This little blighter creeps up on you and kicks the legs from underneath you, steals your youth, your confidence, your clarity, and your focus. I rushed headlong into the menopause early (oh the joy!) due to having a hysterectomy shortly before my 32nd birthday, so by the time I was…
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We all have choices! Don’t we?

Making choices/changes is easy right? Wrong!! Making changes and having the life we want isn’t always as easy, we can all dream but most people will avoid those changes at any cost!  (“better the devil you know”). Doesn’t matter if it’s your career/job or relationship(s) all too often we avoid making decisions that affect our…
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Working from home through Covid19

My Tips for working from home (or not as the case may be) through Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

Being at home all day, dealing with self-isolation, whether on own or with our partners & children is challenging to say the least! I suppose for some it will be a nice change to start with, maybe a week or two, not doing anything or working from home for a change seems inviting, but in…
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social distancing and self-isolation

Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

In these very strange and unprecedented times, dealing with the unknown, the fear and anxiety stemming from the news headlines, the ever-increasing death toll and diagnosed cases of Covid19 (Coronavirus), how do we adjust to being virtual prisoners in our homes, to not have contact with the outside world, to not having a guaranteed income!…
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Getting Past Procrastination

Getting Past Procrastination

Do you find yourself procrastinating? Do find other things to do rather than what needs doing? Well you’re not on your own, most us do this at some time in our working life and there are many reasons why we procrastinate, one of them is because we feel overwhelmed by the tasks at hand… Having…
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Women, the weaker sex! Or are we?

Women, the weaker sex! Or are we?

Women have nearly always been viewed as the weaker sex, so let’s investigate this! Women go through so many changes in their lives and adapt on the whole very well, childbirth alone puts their bodies through enormous strain and turmoil, 9 months of expanding often feeling retched dealing with morning sickness, bloated, uncomfortable etc, not…
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