Debbie J. Turner, Personal Change Specialist

Debbie Turner

Welcome to Choices-4-Life!

I’m Debbie Turner, Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy™, Hypnotherapy & Coaching – for personal and business life. My practice is in Solihull, West midlands, just off J5 of the M42.

My purpose is to help you have the life you have always desired, and that you truly deserve!

I use the latest techniques. I will work with you to release all the negative beliefs that have stopped you from having the life you deserve.

Your experience will be both powerful and life changing.

I will work with you to improve any aspect of your life using these powerful techniques.

About Debbie

Putting down the boulders!

I was born in the 1960’s, one of 9 children. My parents divorced when I was young, so we struggled along together as part of a single parent household.

I had a lot of insecurities growing up. My dad leaving, and being the seventh child to one parent and first to the other, I wasn’t really sure where I fitted in; always felt I was living in my siblings’ shadows. I was painfully shy and quite timid. I married young, and if I’m honest, that was mainly so that I could have a family of my own and to leave home.

Weighed down by boulders

I married aged 21, had my first child aged 22, and soon began to realise that I was in an unhappy, controlling marriage (what I now understand to be due to his own insecurities)…

I felt generally worthless and very unhappy. He made me feel that I wasn’t good enough; that I would never achieve anything. I couldn’t have a job/career, it just wasn’t going to happen. I was a wife and mother and that should be good enough! I felt trapped and desperately unhappy. I had no choice but to stay though…after all, I had three children and very little income, and so my insecurities grew even more.

I felt I had the weight of the world on my shoulders (I suppose you could say, the boulders of my life weighing me down). I was scared and lonely, anxious, and somewhat depressed. Scared to stay, scared to go… What future could I have?

But leave I did…eventually securing a full-time job, involving lots of training and long hours, along with juggling three kids and a mortgage – but I still felt the events of the past weighing me down.

I still lacked confidence, and always the little voice sat on my shoulder was saying, “Told you that you couldn’t do it! I said you would never be good enough! You will never be successful!” I was a woman in a man’s world, so felt I needed to work that bit harder, to prove myself.

And for a long time I believed it.

How could I change my life? How could I have the life that I both desired and deserved?

Change isn’t easy!

20+ years of fighting those feelings of not being good enough, and falling very out of love with the industry I was in, I knew something had to change.

I had very limiting beliefs about myself and the life I could have. Then I had a chance meeting with an old friend, and saw massive changes in her. I asked her what she had done, and she told me, “I have let go of limiting beliefs.” Using NLP, she was now living the life she wanted! She reminded me that I was once brave enough to make the choice to leave and start again…

I was brave enough to rebuild a life for myself and my three children, and that actually I could leave the hurt, fear and guilt behind me – and have the life I truly wanted.

I was truly intrigued, so I set about discovering how these techniques could help me be the person, and have the life that I wanted! I made a choice and set about learning, training, and practising my craft…until eventually I was in a positive place, feeling confident and excited about the future.

Empowered Woman

A life changing moment

Then a life changing moment happened! I now knew what my future was.

If I could help other people feel even half as good as I did, then this was the path for me.

So I finally retired from my 20+ year career to start my own Coaching business, full time. The prospect of helping people who were just how I used to be – low or no confidence; low self-esteem; no focus or clarity; scared of change – filled me with excitement.

Some of my Neuro-linguistic Programming Qualifications

Some of my Time Line Therapy Qualifications

Some of my Hypnotherapy Qualifications

How can I help you with the solutions to your problems?

Utilising my own personal experience, my training and skills, my personal knowledge, experiences, and personality.

So I have two questions for you…

Are you ready to put down your boulders and release those limiting beliefs?

Are you ready to have the life you desire and truly deserve?

Ask yourself…
– If not YOU, then WHO will make the difference to your life?
– If not NOW, then WHEN will you have the life you truly deserve?

Don’t let your past hold back your future!

Be at peace with your past… Be happy with your now… Be excited about your future!

I’m looking forward to hearing your story, helping you to overcome your challenges, and in putting down your boulders once and for all.


Debbie x