We all have choices! Don’t we?

We all have choices! Don’t we?


Making choices/changes is easy right? Wrong!! Making changes and having the life we want isn’t always as easy, we can all dream but most people will avoid those changes at any cost!  (“better the devil you know”).

Doesn’t matter if it’s your career/job or relationship(s) all too often we avoid making decisions that affect our choices in life because of fear, fear of not being good enough, fear of not having the right partner, fear of not being in the right job, fear of not being accepted!

Most people do not realise that they do have a choice, think that the life they have is just their lot the way it was meant to be, and “What can I do about anyway” crazy right?

All too often we stay in that job/career we don’t enjoy or stay in the relationship we are not happy in or convince ourselves that we are meant to be that size/shape, or “It’s OK for them but I could never do that!” All these thoughts create negativity within us, which stops us reaching our true potential, but these negative ideas about ourselves are created, a decision had to be made that we were not good enough or smart enough or attractive enough etc!

I have been that person, who stayed in a toxic relationship far too long through fear, fear of the unknown fear of being a single parent with 3 kids, fear of not being good enough. I have also been the person that stayed in a job far too long that I no longer enjoyed, because of fear that I wouldn’t be good at anything else, “This is all I know, I’m too old to retrain! Aren’t I?”

It takes guts to make a change because to make changes in our lives is a scary prospect for a lot of people! And most people will stick with the devil they know because of fear of change. “What if I’m not good enough?”  “What will people say?” “It’s OK for them! I’m not that lucky.”

That kind of fear may have been learned at a very young age and with every knock you have in life, that fear grows. The confidence leaves you and you’re left with limiting beliefs that over the years compound and hold you back. It’s a bit like carrying a boulder on your back, you know it’s there but it has been there so long it has become part of you. You would like to put it down but not sure how to… After all it’s been a part of you for so long!

But what would happen if you could put it down; if you could be free from the chains that hold you back?

What to Expect

Could you really have the life you desire? Could you really be that person that oozes confidence when they walk into a room? Could you really stand up in front of a group and deliver a presentation? Could you really have the relationship you desire? Could you really feel fulfilled after your children leave home and no longer need you? Can you embrace the changes your body goes through during the menopause? Have confidence & clarity?

The answer is yes you can! I can help you break through the barriers that are stopping you have that life you deserve. Ask me about a breakthrough session…