My Tips for working from home (or not as the case may be) through Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

My Tips for working from home (or not as the case may be) through Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

Working from home through Covid19

Being at home all day, dealing with self-isolation, whether on own or with our partners & children is challenging to say the least!

I suppose for some it will be a nice change to start with, maybe a week or two, not doing anything or working from home for a change seems inviting, but in reality that feeling only lasts so long. We need routine, purpose, and a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.

So how do we get through the day now we are faced with such an unprecedented challenge? Here are a few of my tips to help, whether you are working from home, homeschooling, no longer working etc.


1. Try to keep as much routine as possible? Plan your day, still get up the same time as is you were still going out to work.


2. Make sure you shower/bath/shave every morning (you’d be surprised at the people who just don’t bother) maintain your standards.


3. Ladies still do your hair and put your make up and jewellery on, you will be amazed how much better you feel!


4. Dress as though you are going to work, feel the part.  You will be much more productive if you do, don’t be tempted to work in your PJ’s, a sloppy mind is an unproductive mind.  That’s does not mean you cannot feel relaxed, just get into the right mindset for the task(s) ahead.


5. Write lists, to do lists for each week and each day.  Prioritise your tasks and make sure you complete the top 3 each day, (you will have a great sense of achievement) and don’t beat yourself up if you cannot complete all of them, simply move them on to the next day, and prioritise them again.


6. Keep a ledger, write down your thoughts at the end of each day, “what have I achieved”? “what could I have done better”? “what have I learned from today”? “what will I do better tomorrow”?


7. If you have animals and/or kids then plan them into your day also, if you give them specific time in your daily schedule, make sure they know what is their time and what is yours? Not just work time but your own personal time, you will find you will be much more appreciated, and they are more likely to leave you alone for your and/or work time.


8. Scheduling is the key to getting through the day, to make sure everyone in the household is happy, you need to set boundaries, that you can all work with.


9. Meal planning/bulk cooking can really help you get through your week, no more worrying about “what are we going to eat tonight” as everyone will know in a advance if you use a meal planner.


10. Make the family part of the meal planning, it is something you can do together and will make them feel an important part of the process.


11. Encourage the children, your partner to get involved with the cooking, it can be fun for everyone.


12. If you do not work or have been laid off, remember all the above applies to you also, having a routine will help you all survive the day.


13. Take this time to learn something new, expand your mind, read a book (or two) be inventive, enjoy the time you didn’t expect to have, get in touch with people you haven’t spoke to for ages, you know the ones you are normally to busy to get round to!


We have never had to deal with this type of challenge before so don’t beat yourself up if you are struggling to gain routine and keep the whole household happy. If anyone would like help with planning/scheduling, your day/week, get in touch and let’s see if I can offer a few tips and ideas.

Stay safe, keep healthy and stay at home, together we can beat this!