Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

Covid19 (Coronavirus) social distancing and self-isolation

social distancing and self-isolation

In these very strange and unprecedented times, dealing with the unknown, the fear and anxiety stemming from the news headlines, the ever-increasing death toll and diagnosed cases of Covid19 (Coronavirus), how do we adjust to being virtual prisoners in our homes, to not have contact with the outside world, to not having a guaranteed income!

Some are able to work from home but for a lot of us we are not able to work, not able to earn money to pay our bills & feed our children, or not able to see our children/grandchildren, for some trying to home school our children, all things quite out of the norm and challenging pushing a lot of us out of our comfort zone.

But remember this not forever there will be an end to this eventually, and for those of us that survive not just the virus but the self-isolation, will look back and think we have been blessed!

For no other generation has been through anything like this before, remember each generation has had their struggles, from our parents being evacuated and separated from their parents and even sometimes their siblings, while our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers & sisters fought desperately to keep this country going and to liberate us from tyranny many paying the ultimate price with their lives.

We have had panic buying and shortages of certain items we have not had to endure rationing, blackouts and bombings! We can still go outside, still have our lights on and still shop for groceries, so all in all we are in a much better place to survive everyday life.

Food is still plentiful, albeit some things are harder to obtain, our children can play in their gardens and enjoy the benefits of electricity and the internet, opening up a world of knowledge for our children who can still be educated on line, can still eat well each day & stay warm.

So spare thought for the people/families that will be fighting their own battles throughout this distressing time, and pray they come out of this unscathed, (those in abusive and/or controlling relationships, those that are the victims of abuse, neglect and general unkindness) for they are the ones that are really struggling with self-isolation, self-esteem & in some cases living in fear.

Spare a thought for them when you’re thinking about how hard done by you are, because you can’t socialise, can’t meet your friends & family, can’t sit in the park or drive to walk your dog, you will come out of this relatively well.  So next time you think, “I don’t like my job, I wish I had more time off”, be careful of what you wish for…

Spare a thought to the selfless NHS & front line workers, who put our needs, our safety before their own, for they are fighting this war on our behalf, their sacrifice is so much more, with many not seeing their children & families for months on end just so they can serve us the public & God willing save as many of our lives as possible.

Many of us are fighting our own internal & external battles, whether that be fear, anxiety, depression or just plain loneliness but this will end, and god willing we come out a much better, nicer, kinder human race.

Be healthy, stay safe and stay home, help to protect our NHS and each other.